Exciting News! After two decades of working in climate and sustainability research and practice, I’m thrilled to be taking up the torch of ACT – The Action on Climate Team, Simon Fraser University (www.act-adapt.org). I’ll be building on the work of my fabulous predecessor, Deborah Harford, to mobilize and accelerate climate action into and across all sectors.
ACT co-develops leading-edge climate change and sustainability knowledge for practice. My goal will be to work with diverse partners across research and all sectors, communities, and organizations to co-design systemic and transformative climate and sustainability solutions.
Moving ideas to action is my passion. Moving best available research into policy and practice has defined my career – as a scholar and as a practitioner, through FlipSide Sustainability. This new role at ACT presents an incredible opportunity to scale these passions and efforts.
As for FlipSide Sustainability (www.flipsidesustainability.com), my trusted and talented colleague, Kacia Tolsma, MRM, will be leading project development, with myself and a team of FlipSide Associates as support. The goal is the same – moving best available climate and sustainability knowledge into practice. ~ Alison Shaw